Legal Iceland Law Services

We believe that experience counts when it comes to legal proceedings. Our approachable and knowledgeable team are the reason many clients have remained with us, trusting us to advise and support them in their legal matters time and time again. Our legal specialists excel at helping clients win cases and will always make dealing with complex issues as stress free as possible.

Our solicitors provide expert legal advice and services, representing individual clients in a wide range of matters.

Family Law

At Legal Iceland, we understand that family and personal law can be extremely sensitive areas to deal with. We ensure that every case we work on is treated with the empathy and professionalism that our clients deserve.

Legal Iceland Law Services has comprehensive knowledge and experience in this area of law as we have guided various clients through complex and often highly emotionally charged cases with the appropriate consideration.

Immigration Law

Legal Iceland Law Services provides a wide range of services in refugee- and immigration law representing the interests of individuals. Including application for international protection, residence- and work permits, citizenship, assessment of eligibility for short term or long term stays in Iceland.

Criminal Defence LAw

We provide consultation and guidance on clients rights and legal situation. If unsure if legal action is a possibility for you, contact us and we will find the correct way forward together.

Human Rights Law

Iceland has a progressively varied population and is therefor confronted with new challenges concerning anti-discrimination in our society. We assist individuals who have been subject to discrimination in the course of their employment or receiving services.

Corporate LAw

A growing number of investors are acquiring stakes in Iceland’s dynamic, enterprises or making strategic purchases in production and services related to their international activities. It has become an ideal location for investors or those looking to set up their company in Iceland. We have experience in all matters relating to corporate law, the founding of companies and other types of business. We provide comprehensive services for various matters.

Tort and compensation

Act’s or omissions that invade any legal rights or cause a loss or detriment, amount to a civil wrong imposing a liability. Legal Iceland assists those involved in injury to achieve their rights. We have experience in all matters relating to corporate law, the founding of companies and other types of business. We provide comprehensive services for various matters.

Other Legal Services

  • Apostille assistance
  • Notary assistance

    We offer a free consultation to provide you with a broad overview of what you could achieve with us, as well as an idea of the legal costs involved. Legal Iceland’s office is located in Reykjavík but we serve our clients nation- and world wide.
  • Interested in our services? We’re here to help!
    For more information or to arrange an appointment contact us at +354 537 2600 or contact us via this button.

    Laugavegur 178
    2nd floor

    Contact us
    +354 537 2600

    © Málsefni Lögmannsþjónusta | Legal Iceland Law Services
    Laugavegur 178, 2nd Floor | 105 Reykjavík | Iceland

    Málsefni ehf. | Kt. 641096-2109 | VSK. nr. 52162
    Reikningsnúmer: 0101-26-8777.